Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Not Too Busy!

The last couple of summers I have spent a good chunk of time working on my schedule and organizing for the upcoming school year.  I had high hopes of having a summer of preparation this year, too.  My summer wasn't anything like I anticipated. I have never found enough kid-controlled time to get ready for another year--at least never what I considered to be enough.  As a result, I've told everyone I've talked to that this summer has been TOO busy.  We've had Cub Scout Camp and VBS and camping and water parks and movies and theme parks and lake weekends and baseball and piano lessons and tennis lessons and zoo get the picture. 

In thinking about this I've realized what a negative spin I've put on my summer.  The more I think of it as "too busy," the more overwhelmed I feel.  Truth is we have had a LOT of fun this summer.  Is it possible to have too much fun?  I think of that country song that describes the cop writing a ticket for the boy having too much fun.  Like the singer, I don't think that's possible!  I've had a wonderful summer.  If I haven't had the time I've wanted to prepare for school, it's because I have been waiting for TOO much time to fall in my lap.  So now I'm preparing 15 minutes at a time FLY-Lady style.  And I've made a commitment.  I'm going to do my best to stop saying how "busy" I am and instead talk about how blessed I am!


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