Thursday, November 25, 2004

All I Need

Today is Thanksgiving.  This morning my son started throwing up and our plans were messed up.  Although I was able to visit family (by taking turns with my husband), I admit to being a little disappointed. 

Tonight I was reading a chapter of Abe Lincoln's biography to the kids.  Abe's favorite cousin, Dennis, and his parents moved to be near him when he was just a boy.  One day his aunt and uncle's cow came down with the trembles.  That meant that the cow's milk was poisonous and they had drunk it.  Abe watched helplessly as his uncle, then his aunt, and finally his dear mother died. 

Here I was grumbling to myself about a minor bout of stomach flu, when people all around the world are losing loved ones to disease.  I was reminded of another humbling story one of our church's seminarians told one Sunday.  He was on a mission trip in South America where he met a woman dying of pancreatic cancer.  He and another missionary led her to the Lord.  She was so happy with her newly found faith and asked to be baptized.  Afterward, the men led her home.  Her "home" was a metal lean-to shack where several people slept.  Her "bed" was on the dirt floor.  A river of sewage flowed by the shack.  When the men were preparing to leave, they asked, "Is there anything you need?"  The woman replied with joy, "I have Jesus.  That's all I need."

On this Thanksgiving Day, I not only thank our generous God and Father, but I humbly ask Him to forgive me for my ungratefulness.  Indeed, I have Jesus.  He's all I need.

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