Saturday, October 30, 2004

Same Lesson, Different Day

It's easy for me to read about the Israelites wandering around in the desert, disobeying God, for forty years and think, "IDIOTS!"  I now believe there were more than a few of them who reached the Promised Land and looked back at the circles they traveled in the sand and thought the same.

Tonight I feel like someone who has been taking her driver's license exam over and over and over and keeps failing.  There are some lessons I just didn't or wouldn't learn.  Being a homeschooling mom gives me cause to marvel at God's patience with me.  But it also, even as I write, helps me to see that I just wasn't at a point in my development to be able to "get it."  God knew that.  He waited and He forgives me.  I may be an idiot, but I'm a forgiven idiot who is very, very loved.

Are you being given the same test over and over?  Pray that the Lord will give you an aha moment so you can pass that test.  When you finally pass, don't be too hard on yourself for all those failures.  Instead, rejoice that you are heading into new territory full of new lessons.

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